
How To Create A Custom Annotation In Java

Spring Boot + Custom Annotation

This tutorial will demonstrate how to implement custom annotations at the Method Level in a Spring Boot application.

You can also refer the example for Spring Boot + Field and Class Level Custom Annotation from here.

Spring Boot + Method Level Custom Annotation Example

In this example, will authorize users and determine whether the requested user is valid user or not by using custom annotation.

Spring Boot Custom Annotation Flow

Now create Spring Boot application from Spring Initializr.

Project Structure

Spring Boot Custom Annotation Project Structure

Maven Dependency

Add spring-boot-starter-aop to create custom annotation using Aspect.

                          <              ?xml version=              "1.0"              encoding=              "UTF-8"              ?              >              <project xmlns=              ""              xmlns:xsi=              ""              xsi:schemaLocation=              ""              >                              <modelVersion>                            4.0              .0              <              /modelVersion>                              <parent>                                            <groupId>              org.springframework.boot<              /groupId>                              <artifactId>              spring-boot-starter-parent<              /artifactId>                              <version>                            2.5              .1              <              /version>              <relativePath/              >              <              !              --              lookup parent from repository              --              >              <              /parent>                              <groupId>              com.techgeeknext<              /groupId>                              <artifactId>                            SpringBootCustomAnnotation              <              /artifactId>                              <version>                            1.0              .0              <              /version>                              <name>                            SpringBootCustomAnnotation              <              /name>                              <description>                            Spring              Project              +              Custom              Annotation              <              /description>                              <properties>                                            <java.version>                            11              <              /java.version>              <              /properties>                              <dependencies>                                            <dependency>                                            <groupId>              org.springframework.boot<              /groupId>                              <artifactId>              spring-boot-starter-web<              /artifactId>              <              /dependency>                              <dependency>                                            <groupId>              org.springframework.boot<              /groupId>                              <artifactId>              spring-boot-starter-aop<              /artifactId>              <              /dependency>              <              /dependencies>                              <build>                                            <plugins>                                            <plugin>                                            <groupId>              org.springframework.boot<              /groupId>                              <artifactId>              spring-boot-maven-plugin<              /artifactId>              <              /plugin>              <              /plugins>              <              /build>              <              /project>                      

Create the annotation

Let us create the annotation in Java by using @interface.

                          package              com.techgeeknext.custom.annotation              ;              import              java.lang.annotation.                            ElementType              ;              import              java.lang.annotation.                            Retention              ;              import              java.lang.annotation.                            RetentionPolicy              ;              import              java.lang.annotation.                            Target              ;              @Target              (              ElementType              .METHOD)              @Retention              (              RetentionPolicy              .RUNTIME)              public              @interface              AuthorizeUser              {              }                      
  1. AuthorizeUser
    We have given our custom annotation name as AuthorizeUser.
  2. @Target
    It specifies where the annotation should be applied. Because it is at the method level in our case, we pass ElementType.METHOD as a parameter.
  3. @Retention
    It specifies when to use this annotation, which in our case is at run time.
Take a look at our suggested posts:

Create an Aspect

Create Aspect class to build our custom annotation logic.

Aspect Oriented Programming, or declarative programming, is the type of programming that we use for annotations to implement.

In this example, you can authorize users and determine whether the user is valid user or not using @AuthorizeUser.

So, before invoking a method, you must perform an authorization validation, if user is authorized, the method is invoked; otherwise, invalid user message will be returned.

  1. Before calling a method, the user must be authorised.
  2. Invoke method (joinPoint.proceed();) if User is Authorized/Valid.
                          package              com.techgeeknext.custom.annotation              ;              import              javax.servlet.http.                            HttpServletRequest              ;              import              org.aspectj.lang.                            ProceedingJoinPoint              ;              import              org.aspectj.lang.annotation.                            Around              ;              import              org.aspectj.lang.annotation.                            Aspect              ;              import              org.springframework.stereotype.                            Component              ;              @Aspect              @Component              public              class              AuthorizeUserAspect              {              @Around("@annotation(AuthorizeUser)")              public              Object              authorize              (              ProceedingJoinPoint              joinPoint)              throws              Throwable              {              //BEFORE METHOD EXECUTION              Integer              user_id              =              (              Integer              )              joinPoint.              getArgs              (              )              [              0              ]              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "User Id: "              +              user_id)              ;              //Only user id 33 is authorize to login, other user are not valid users.              if              (user_id              !=              33              )              {              //write authorization verification business logic              System              .out.              println              (              "Invalid User : "              +              user_id)              ;              return              user_id              +              " is Invalid User. Please login with correct credential."              ;              }              //This is where ACTUAL METHOD will get invoke              Object              result              =              joinPoint.              proceed              (              )              ;              // AFTER METHOD EXECUTION              System              .out.              println              (result)              ;              return              result;              }              }                      
  1. @Aspect
    It specifies that class is an Aspect Class.
  2. @Component
    It specifies that the class is a Spring bean.
  3. authorize method
    Create method with any name.
  4. Around() with @annotation
    Pass the annotation name (that you created using Interface) inside the @Around annotation, so that Spring understands that the logic around this annotation needs to be applied.
  5. ProceedingJoinPoint Parameter
    The method is accessed via the ProceedingJoinPoint. You can access input parameters received from REST Method from ProceedingJoinPoint.
  6. joinPoint.proceed()
    This is where the original method is put into action.

Add the annotation

Create a rest controller endpoint to pass the input value (user_id) to validate.

                          package              com.techgeeknext.controller              ;              import              javax.servlet.http.                            HttpServletRequest              ;              import              com.techgeeknext.custom.annotation.                            AuthorizeUser              ;              import              org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.                            *              ;              @RestController              public              class              UserController              {              /** 	 * Method to validate if user is valid or not by using AuthorizeUser annotation. 	 * @param user_id 	 * @param servletRequest 	 * @return 	 */              @GetMapping              (              "/login"              )              @AuthorizeUser              public              String              login              (              @RequestParam              Integer              user_id,              HttpServletRequest              servletRequest)              {              return              "Hello TechGeekNextUser : "              +              user_id;              }              }                      

Test Custom Annotation

  1. When you start the Spring Boot application and hit the below REST endpoints it'll execute annotation logic and display the output in console.
                                      .                  ____          _            __ _ _                  /\\                  /                  ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_                  |                  '_| | '_ \/                  _`                  |                  \ \ \ \  \\/                  ___)                  |                  |_)                  |                  |                  |                  |                  |                  ||                  (_|                  |                  )                  )                  )                  )                  '                  |____|                  .__|_|                  |_|_|                  |_\__,                  |                  /                  /                  /                  /                  ==                  ==                  ==                  ==                  =                  |_|=                  ==                  ==                  ==                  ==                  ==                  ==                  =                  |___/=                  /_/_/_/                  ::                  Spring                  Boot                  ::                  (v2.                  5.1                  )                  14                  :                  01                  :                  22.070                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      c.t.                    SpringBootCustomAnnotation                  :                  Starting                  SpringBootCustomAnnotation                  using                  Java                  12.0                  .2                  on                  (                  D                  :\SpringBootCustomAnnotation\target\classes started in                  D                  :\SpringBootCustomAnnotation                  )                  14                  :                  01                  :                  22.072                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      c.t.                    SpringBootCustomAnnotation                  :                  No                  active profile set,                  falling back                  to                  default                  profiles:                  default                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.140                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.                    TomcatWebServer                  :                  Tomcat                  initialized                  with                  port                  (s)                  :                  8080                  (http)                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.148                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      o.apache.catalina.core.                    StandardService                  :                  Starting                  service                  [                  Tomcat                  ]                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.148                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      org.apache.catalina.core.                    StandardEngine                  :                  Starting                  Servlet                  engine:                  [                  Apache                  Tomcat                  /                  9.0                  .46                  ]                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.229                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      o.a.c.c.                    C                  .                  [                  Tomcat                  ]                  .                  [localhost]                  .                  [                  /                  ]                  :                  Initializing                  Spring                  embedded                  WebApplicationContext                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.230                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      w.s.c.                    ServletWebServerApplicationContext                  :                  Root                  WebApplicationContext                  :                  initialization completed in                  1120                  ms                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.541                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.                    TomcatWebServer                  :                  Tomcat                  started on                  port                  (s)                  :                  8080                  (http)                  with                  context                  path                  ''                  14                  :                  01                  :                  23.549                  INFO                  --                  -                  [                  main]                                      c.t.                    SpringBootCustomAnnotation                  :                  Started                  SpringBootCustomAnnotation                  in                  1.801                  seconds                  (JVM running                  for                  2.071                  )                  14                  :                  01                  :                  29.294                  INFO                  --                  -                  [nio-                  8080                  -exec-                  1                  ]                                      o.a.c.c.                    C                  .                  [                  Tomcat                  ]                  .                  [localhost]                  .                  [                  /                  ]                  :                  Initializing                  Spring                  DispatcherServlet                  'dispatcherServlet'                  14                  :                  01                  :                  29.294                  INFO                  --                  -                  [nio-                  8080                  -exec-                  1                  ]                                      o.s.web.servlet.                    DispatcherServlet                  :                  Initializing                  Servlet                  'dispatcherServlet'                  14                  :                  01                  :                  29.296                  INFO                  --                  -                  [nio-                  8080                  -exec-                  1                  ]                                      o.s.web.servlet.                    DispatcherServlet                  :                  Completed                  initialization in                  2                  ms                  User Id: 21                  Invalid User : 21                  User Id: 33                  Hello TechGeekNextUser : 33                              
  2. Check with Invalid User: Call the REST endpoint http://localhost:8080/login?user_id=21, with invalid user id to check the response. Spring Boot Custom Annotation Output
  3. Check with valid User: Call the REST endpoint http://localhost:8080/login?user_id=33, with valid user id to check the response. Spring Boot Custom Annotation Output

In the same way, you can add this annotation to any REST API or any method to make the annotation process happen automatically. For Example, you can use for logging or monitoring purpose.

Download Source Code

The full source code for this article can be found on below.
Download it here - Spring Boot + Method Level Custom Annotation Example

How To Create A Custom Annotation In Java


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