
What Episode Of Gumball Is Sussies Makeup Tips

"The Weirdo" is the twenty-ninth episode of Season 5 of The Amazing World of Gumball. It is the 185th episode overall.


When they see the school bullies making fun of Sussie, Gumball and Darwin decide to endeavour and help her act less weird. They carefully observe her behavior and decide that the only affair they have to modify is absolutely everything.


The episode begins on a typical school twenty-four hour period; Sussie is happily distributing her odd homemade gifts to her classmates in the cafeteria. The general absurdity to her gifts causes the Watterson brothers to question why she even easily out the gifts in the showtime place. Before they can come to an answer, Sussie arrives at their table and hands them their gifts, some mayonnaise for Gumball and a poisonous spider for Darwin. After Sussie finishes giving her presents to Gumball and Darwin, the lunch menses is over, and the other students brainstorm to throw away the presents Sussie gave them. Non wanting Sussie'due south feelings to be hurt, Gumball insists that the other students find more than discreet ways to dispose of their items, cleaning his hand of Sussie'south mayonnaise in the process.

Afterwards at the schoolyard, Sussie is minding her own business organisation doing what she does best: making noise. Sussie continues to heed her own diplomacy until a grouping of bullies walk up to her. The leader of the bunch, Julius, approaches her and gives her a piece of chewed up gum. Oblivious to the harassment, Sussie perceives the gum as a souvenir and cheers the bullies for giving it to her. Witnessing the whole ordeal, Gumball and Darwin are angered; Gumball in particular is ready to get dorsum at the bullies through a couple of irrational ways. However, Darwin stops him and instead proposes that the two detect her behavior and discover ways to change it and make her amend alloyed into club, thus making her less of a target for bullying.

The brothers spotter how Sussie conducts herself on a mean solar day-to-solar day basis, but later on seeing some of the more ludicrous activities she does for fun, Gumball decides to intervene. The boys have Sussie to their bedroom where they endeavor to reinvent her personality. Gumball claims that they need to have a improve understanding of Sussie'southward origins before they can approach the problem. Sussie, however, takes this as an opportunity to discuss a bunch of side tangents that prove to be fruitless.

The brothers then determine that the next best pick is to give Sussie a makeover and then that she volition look less strange. The two go through several different facial combinations, but none of them work. Sussie wonders aloud why the boys are trying to modify her, and Gumball and Darwin try to explain that society is a cruel place, and whomever society deems equally "weirdos" is condemned to a life of torment. Despite how sorry she finds the truth to be, Sussie knows that Gumball and Darwin mean well and decides to give them a present.

She comes back a few seconds later on with two pairs of googly eyes, one for each brother. Even though Gumball and Darwin believe they do not deserve any more of her kindness, Sussie insists that they put on the eyes and "see life through her lens." Once they put on their eyes, Gumball and Darwin are introduced to a whole new way of life. Although they are initially freaked out about the way Sussie views the earth, they soon emphasize with her and bring together her as they spread their newfound happiness across Elmore. The trio continue to walk around Elmore singing how they are free of others' sentence until they crash-land into the group of bullies from before; they begin to tease the iii for their odd appearances. As the final blow, Julius demands that Gumball easily him his wallet. Gumball instead gives him some mayonnaise. The iii then fly away, singing the same song from earlier; Julius explodes in defoliation and anger.


Main characters

  • Gumball
  • Darwin
  • Sussie

Supporting characters

  • Julius
  • Mowdown
  • Scythe
  • Rotten cupcake

Minor characters

  • Carmen
  • Juke
  • Masami
  • Idaho
  • Assistant Joe
  • Frog (debut)
  • Elmore dollar
  • Spider (debut)
  • Jared
  • Tobias
  • Penny
  • Sarah
  • Square baby
  • Hobo
  • Alison
  • Pigeons
  • Sausage domestic dog
  • Martin the Cat
  • Sussie'south parents (mentioned)
  • Rocky
  • Pantsbully
  • Felicity
  • Billy
  • Reaper


  • This episode marks Sussie's first major office.
    • It also marks the first time Sussie's legs are seen walking.
  • As of this episode, Fergus Craig no longer dubs over Sussie's voice; Aurelie Charbonnier now portrays and voices Sussie.
  • The ending sequence was drawn by actual kids and blithe past Tim Webb of the Royal College of Art, making him the 7th guest animator for the show.[ane]
  • Gumball breaks the 4th wall when he grabs the screen and turns it to him during "Hey At that place Sussie."


  • A frog that resembles the Magic Frog from "The Apprentice" appears.
  • This episode marks the second fourth dimension Sussie reveals that she is more self-aware of her foreign actions than she lets on. The first time was in "The Question."
  • The face up Gumball makes when he is about to "fight" the bullies is the aforementioned ane he made in "The Rerun" when he was about to eject Rob in the Void.
  • Music from "The Roots" is reused.

Cultural references

  • Sussie's human face with the upside-down mouth and eyes is a reference to the Thatcher illusion wherein humans' facial recognition is more attuned to viewing upright faces. When the image is shown upside-down, viewers perceive it every bit less incorrect.
  • Mowdown compares Gumball, Darwin, and Sussie to Tweedledum and Tweedledee, characters in an English language plant nursery rhyme and popularized by their appearance in Lewis Carroll'due south novel Through the Looking-Glass.
  • Scythe saying that the moving picture Gumball, Darwin and Sussie could be in would be chosen "The Ugly, the Ugly, and the Ugly" is a reference to the picture The Skillful, the Bad and the Ugly.
  • The vocal "Hey There Sussie" is a parody of the theme song to the sitcom The Brady Bunch.
  • Assistant Joe's frog coated in glitter souvenir is a reference to the infamous game Glittermitten Grove, which nigh notably curtained Frog Fractions two.


  • Sussie'due south mayonnaise comes from the aforementioned pocket she afterwards claims is for mustard.
  • Subsequently the shot of Darwin panicking over the spider, the ripped dollar disappears.
  • When Sussie shows Gumball and Darwin the googly eyes, they are first small, but when Gumball and Darwin take them, the eyes are bigger.
  • While singing "I Am Gratuitous" in the scene when Gumball, Darwin, and Sussie are flying abroad from Julius, Sussie has three legs.
    • Notwithstanding, information technology is possible this is just how Sussie, Gumball, and Darwin run into them during the song.
  • When Sussie is sleeping at the beginning of "Hey There Sussie," she does not take her eyes, but when she sleeps in "The Night," she does.
  • When Julius comes to Sussie, he has no mouth for a split second.
  • Gumball manages to rub off the mayonnaise on his mitt onto the frog with pink glitter on its back without getting any glitter on his own hand.
  • Reaper is not with the bullies in the final scene (or at all throughout the episode) merely can be seen with them in the very final shot.

Other titles

  • Polski (Polish): Dziwadło (The Weirdo)
  • Български (Bulgarian): Чудачката (The Weirdo)
  • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): Người Kì Quặc (The Weirdo)
  • Magyar (Hungarian): Elvarázsolt lény (Enchanted Creature)
  • Türkçe (Turkish): Ucube (The Weirdo)
  • 中文 (Chinese): 怪咖的酷世界 (The Cool World of Weirdo)


5 • east TAWOGEPISODESfont.png
TheDVDSeason1.png TheResponsibleSeason1.png TheThirdSeason1.png TheDebtSeason1.png
Episode i
Episode two
The Responsible
Episode three
The Third
Episode four
The Debt
TheEndSeason1.jpg TheDressSeason1.png TheQuestSeason1.png TheSpoonSeason1.png
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode 7
The Quest
Episode eight
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1.png ThePaintingSeason1.png TheLaziestSeason1.png TheGhostSeason1.png
Episode nine
The Pressure
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode 11
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1.png ThePrankSeason1.png TheGiSeason1.png TheKissSeason1.png
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode sixteen
The Kiss
TheParty Season1.png TheRefundSeason1.png TheRobotSeason1.png ThePicnicSeason1.png
Episode 17
The Party
Episode 18
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode 20
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne.png TheSecretSeason1.png TheSockSeason1.png TheGeniusSeasonOne.png
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne.png TheMustacheSeason1.png TheDateSeason1.png TheClub28.png
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Order
TheWandSeason1.png TheApeSeason1.png The Car 35.jpg TheCurse season1.png
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode thirty
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav.png TheMeddlerSeason1.png Helmet.png TheFightSeason1.png
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2.png Colossus Giant.png TheKnightsSeason2.png TheFridgeSeason2.png
Episode one
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode 4
The Fridge
Flower Kill.png Banana Banana Banana.png Phone Dead.png

Job Clay.png

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode 6
The Banana
Episode vii
The Phone
Episode 8
The Chore
Halloween Ghosts.png Treasure Family.png TheApologySeason2.png Words Song.png
Episode ix
Episode 10
The Treasure
Episode 11
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2.png ChristmasSeason2.png TheWatchNavbox.png
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode 14
The Bet
Episode xv
Episode xvi
The Watch

Bumpkin Morbid.png

Flakers Rex.png TheAuthoritySeason2.png TheVirusNavbox.png
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode 18
The Flakers
Episode xix
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD.png TheHeroSeason2.png Dreamthe3.png TheSidekickSeason2.png
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm.png


Episode 25
The Photo
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Tempest
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW.png

Episode 29
The Game
Episode 30
The Limit
Episode 31
The Phonation
Episode 32
The Promise
Castlenavboxpic.png Boomboxnavpic.png Tapeleaker4.png Sweaters Ending.png
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser.png ThePlanSeasonTwo.png TheWorldSeason2.png TheFinaleSeason2.png
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The Globe
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3.png TAAGDSpage1.png CoachisAWOMAN.png The joy revealed.png
Episode 1
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode 3
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3.png TheRecipeSP4.png Tnam15.png TheExtrasSeason3.png
Episode v
The Puppy
Episode 6
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes.png TheVacationSeason3.png Fraud clip10.png TheVoidSeason3.png
Episode ix
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode xi
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3.png TheMoveSeason3.png TheLawSeason3.png Allergyithink5.png
Episode 13
The Dominate
Episode 14
The Move
Episode fifteen
The Police force
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff.png Password9.png The Procrastinators.png Shl95.png
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode xviii
The Password
Episode 19
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3.png TheBros Season3.png 338641-1.jpg Jojolouiekissman.png
Episode 21
The Brunt
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Man
Pizza47.png 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n.png Butterfly18.png The question.png
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Prevarication
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75.png TheFriendSeason3.png TheOracleSeason3.png Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still.jpg
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Rubber
TheSocietySeason3.png SpoilerTheater .png Countdown75.png TNobody.png
Episode 33
The Social club
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still.jpg Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still.jpg Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still.jpg GB340MONEY69.png
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4.png TheNemesisSeason4.png TheCrewSeason4.png TheOthersSeason4.png
Episode ane
The Return
Episode two
The Nemesis
Episode 3
The Coiffure
Episode four
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour.png TheCheckSeason4.png Pest Billnis.png TheSaleSeason4.png
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Bank check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode viii
The Auction
Gift Cram.png TheParkingSeason4.png Routine Rex.png TheUpgradeSeason4.png
Episode nine
The Gift
Episode 10
The Parking
Episode xi
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic.png Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17.png Uploads Sussie.png Apprentiance me.png
Episode thirteen
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode 15
The Uploads
Episode 16
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked.png TheWickedSeason4.jpg TheTraitorSeason4.png TheOriginsPreview200033.png
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode xix
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011.png Girfriend Scary.png Advice Redacted.png Signal Signal.png
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Communication
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour.png TheLoveSeason4.png TheAwkwardnessSeason4.png TheNestSeason4.png
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Honey
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4.png TheBusSeason4.png TheNight 12.png TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant.png
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Coach
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad.png Blame Why.png Weirdgumball6.png S4E36 The Detective 19.png
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4.png Happy Elmore Town.jpg Anime Darwin and Carrie.jpg TheDisasterSeasonFour.png
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode xl
The Disaster
Rerun Fight.png StoriesSeason5.png TheGuy 6.png LesBoring.png
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode 2
The Stories
Episode 3
The Guy
Episode 4
The Boredom
VisionSeason5.png Clouding.png CodePromo3.png Test Grope.png
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode half dozen
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking.png S5E10 The Loophole p03.png Fuss Sweet.png CopyCatsSeason5.png
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode ten
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5.png OutsideSeason5.png VaseSeason5.png Matchmaker Cute.png
Episode 13
The White potato
Episode 14
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5.png Console Victory.png OllieSeason5.png CatfishSeason5.png
Episode 17
The Box
Episode 18
The Panel
Episode 19
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5.png StarsSeason5.png Birth of Simian.png DietSeason5.png
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09.png SorcererSeason5.png Menu KeemstarLife.png Uncle IsGumchoOver.png
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Wizard
Episode 27
The Carte
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon.png Heist Nicole.png TheSinging50.png CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE.png
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst.png TheDeal.png ThePetals.png TheNuisance.png
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine.png ListDolphin.png GumballNews.png ThePuppets.png
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode forty
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52).png Lady Laugh.png The Sucker (28).png Meltysons.png
Episode 1
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode iii
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning.png The Father (121).png Cringe Awkwardness.png The Cage (11).png
Episode 5
The One
Episode 6
The Father
Episode 7
The Cringe
Episode eight
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy.png TwoGamboliesOneTheater.png The Faith (100).png Candidate Leak8.jpg
Episode nine
The Neighbor
Episode ten
The Anybody
Episode 11
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball.png Shippening67.png The Brain (1).png TheArents.png
Episode xiii
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Encephalon
Episode xvi
The Parents
GBFounder.png GBSchooling.png TheIntelligence InternetDies.png GBPotion.png
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode 18
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode xx
The Potion
GBSpinoffs.png GBTransformation.png GBUnderstanding.png GBAd.png
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Agreement
Episode 24
The Advertizement
GBGhouls.png Gossamer.png GBAwareness.png TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy.png
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Sensation
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone.png TheBuddy Uhhhh.png ThePossesion SadRichard.png TheMaster GameMasterRichard.jpg
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode thirty
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Master
TheSilence TryingToTalk.png TheFuture RobChokingBarbara.jpg TWish.png GBFactory.png
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Factory
The Agent.png GBWeb.png GBMess.png Frown Upside doun.jpg
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Spider web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode twoscore
The Heart
GBRevolt.png TheDecisions44.png BFFS Stars.png GBInquisition.jpg
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition
To edit the transcript, click here.

Ane Human's Trash

[The episode begins with Gumball and Darwin eating lunch in the schoolhouse cafeteria. Sharing each other's cliffhanger, they observe the unusual gifts received by their classmates]
Carmen : [Unwraps a retainer] Uh...
[Juke sprays himself with an air freshener and coughs; Masami stares in confusion at a high-heel shoe filled with a gooey yellow substance]
Gumball and Darwin : [Disgusted] Ugh.
Sussie : Here. A nowadays for y'all. [Hands Idaho a slice of paper]
Idaho : [Holds upwards the cartoon of two concentric circles] What is it?
Sussie : It'due south a map of an egg.
Idaho : Uh, huh. [Chuckles nervously] Cheers?
[Sussie leaves]
Idaho : [Baffled] What was that?
Banana Joe : [Shrugs] I dunno. [Pulls out a alive frog covered in glitter] What is this?
Darwin : Why does Sussie ever give anybody such lame gifts?
Gumball : Yes! And where's my lame gift?! I demand dissatisfaction!
[Sussie passes in front of their table]
Darwin : [Gasps; Whispers] Hither she comes.
[Gumball extends his hand in anticipation; Sussie reaches into her pocket and coats his palm with an off-white glob]
Gumball : [Appalled] What the what is that?!
Sussie : Mayonnaise.
Gumball : Why?
Sussie : It's very precious. Y'all can moisturize your elbows with it, or write with it, or feed it to a automobile.
Gumball : O...kay, so you simply keep mayonnaise in all your pockets?
Sussie : [Laughs heartily] Don't be silly. Sussie not crazy, she keeps different sauces in unlike pockets. [Patting her other pouches] This one'southward for mustard, this ane's for ketchup, and this one'southward for toothpaste!
Gumball : Sussie, toothpaste is not a sauce.
Sussie : Yep it is. Information technology's tooth sauce! That's why information technology tastes similar mint. [Moves to Darwin's side] Sussie got present for you too.
Darwin : [Broken-hearted] What is information technology?
Sussie : Information technology'south a crumpled green picture of an old human.
Darwin : I'll pass.
Sussie : Okay. [Produces a one hundred dollar bill and tears it in half]
Darwin : Uh—[Sighs]
Sussie : Oh, don't be deplorable. You tin have my dancing raisin.
[Sussie places a blackness widow spider on his fin. Darwin jumps on top of the stool as the spider crawls up his arm. He screams and flails his limbs to try and shake it off]
Sussie : [Laughs] You're dancing together! Sussie happy you're happy.
[The spider eventually bites him in the back. Groaning, he falls face kickoff on the lunch tray]
Sussie : Ah, he kissed you lot. He must similar yous.
[The school bong rings, and Masami and Carmen file outside. Stopping by the garbage bin, they toss the gifts and place their trays on peak]
Sussie : [Sorry] Ohh, don't they like Sussie presents? [Frowns]
Gumball : Come on, guys. [Intercepts Juke] Make a little effort to spare her feelings. Exercise it on the down-low.
[Juke groans, deposits the tray, and sticks the droplets can in his shirt. Equally he passes the bin, a hand comes out the dorsum of his shirt and dumps the tin can]
Gumball : In that location, that's more like it.
[Gumball pats Juke's shoulder, and so wipes off mayonnaise on his back as he goes away. Jared approaches, his lunch tray bearing a large humanoid molar wrapped in a bow]
Gumball : [Hushed] Dude!
[Jared sighs, pockets the tooth, and tears off his pants, throwing them into the receptacle]
Gumball : Well played, well played. [Wipes some mayo on his back also]
Assistant Joe : [Looks at his frog] Uh... Ah!
[Assistant Joe grabs his stalk and manages to throw himself in the trash. The glittery frog, at present suspended in mid-air, floats past Gumball]
Gumball : Uh, yeah. [Rubs the last of the mayo on the frog] That'southward practiced too, I gauge.

Hey There, Sussie

[The bell rings again. Sussie is seated on a demote in the school playground, making gurgling noises and other strange vocalizations. Julius, Rotten Cupcake, Scythe, and Mowdown come up to her]
Julius : Hey weirdo, I've got a present for you.
Sussie : Yaaay!
[He spits his gum into her paw. Sussie puts information technology in her mouth, chews, and so blows a chimera. It bursts, covering her face]
Sussie : Thank you!
[The delinquents all snicker. Meanwhile, Gumball and Darwin are watching this from a distance]
Gumball : [Drops his haversack; incensed] Alright, I'ma fight these punks!
[Gumball strips, removing his sweater, undershirt, and pants]
Darwin : What, Greco-Roman style? Mayhap that isn't the solution.
Gumball : So what do you lot suggest?
Darwin : Perhaps Sussie'due south making herself a target by being so... weird.
Gumball : [Thinks] Hmm. I encounter. And so yous're saying nosotros toxicant the boondocks water supply with atomic number 82 until everyone becomes as weird as her.
Darwin : I meant we aid her fit in better.
Gumball : And then toxicant the h2o! 2 actually good plans. 1 is great, the other one'south really good. There's no way to choose betwixt them.
[Darwin glares at him, his eyebrow raised]
Gumball : Okay fine. We'll aid her fit in. Just where should we start?
Darwin : Allow's just observe a normal day in her life.
[Cheerful music plays, with Sussie acting out the events detailed in the song's lyrics]
Music: Hey in that location, Sussie, sleepyhead
Rising and shine, get out of bed
Fix your face up and make clean your teeth
Beauty comes from underneath
Hey at that place, Sussie
The world is waiting [Repeats four times]
And everything is fascinating
Hey there, Sussie, give us a grin
And take the whole globe on the chin
Become out that door, and go and seize the day
The world'south a playground, fourth dimension to play
Goose egg can cease this happy girl
Apart from bending, or giving a twirl
Hey there, Sussie, it'll plow out right
She's non fussy, she's not uptight
Wears chicken peel as a lid
It goes well with her meat cravat
She'll swallow a pack of scented candles
She'southward not agape to lick door handles
She might bathe in rancid fruit
Or fifty-fifty toot into a—
[Gumball rapidly turns the camera abroad from Sussie]
Gumball : I think we've seen enough, thanks. Definitely time for phase two.
Sussie : [Singing] Concur on Gumball, what's phase two?
Gumball : [Singing] The part where yous stop existence you.

Keep Your Chin Up

[Gumball and Darwin are in their bedroom, standing adjacent to Sussie]
Gumball : First, we need to redefine your identity. But it's kinda hard to do that without even knowing exactly what you are. I mean, no offense, simply you exercise look like the outcome of some novelty app. How did something like... [Gestures at Sussie] that happen?
Sussie : Well, once upon a time there lived a Mommy chin and a Daddy mentum, and Daddy fed Mommy so much nutrient that she ended up with a double chin. And the double mentum got bigger and bigger, so she went to the doc, and the doctor said, "That's not a double chin—"
Gumball : [Gasps] That's Sussie!
Sussie : No, he was wrong, it was a double chin. Nosotros got a 2d opinion. But, three years after, Mommy chin laid an egg.
Darwin : And that's where Sussie came from.
Sussie : Nah, it was only considering she ate an egg. But 2 years earlier that, Mommy mentum put a magic edible bean inside Daddy mentum's mouth, and his belly started to grow. And then a vocalism came from inside it, and it said—
Gumball : [Altering his voice] It's me, Sussie!
Sussie : No, it was more than like— [Blows a raspberry]
[Gumball and Darwin sigh]
Sussie : And so seven years later, Sussie built-in!
Gumball : [Miffed] All right, whatever.
Darwin : What we mean is, you'll fit in more if you change.
Gumball : Non fit in totally, that's but not gonna happen. But it'll be, yous know, similar having a lip piercing instead of a face tattoo.
Darwin : Or more similar a funny story, instead of national news.
Gumball : Yeah, exactly. More "a little freaky" than "a little freak show."
[Sussie frowns sadly]
Gumball : Let's showtime with the expect. [Dabs Sussie with a makeup pad] Hmm. I'thou not quite sure that accentuating her jawline helped.
[She appears to take a 5 o' clock shadow]
Darwin : Looks like a meat pyramid. Uh, maybe she needs some pilus.
[He reaches forwards to alter something; Sussie now has a total bristles, and Gumball and Darwin are weirded out]
Gumball : Eh. Looks similar her hair is tryin' to escape from her face.
Sussie : Ha. [Parts her lips]
Gumball : The teeth! It'southward the teeth that'southward the problem! [Makes adjustments] And the olfactory organ. She needs a nose. And a neck. Ooh, and eyebrows. [Finishes, and steps back] There.
Darwin : Umm...
[They scrutinize her bizarre, fully man confront]
Darwin : Uhh, you lot know, sometimes less is more than.
Gumball : Okay, uh, let me try something.
[Gumball covers the screen with his easily. When he lowers them, Sussie seems to be headless]
Gumball : Yes, that's better.
[Her caput pops dorsum out from her neckband; She looks depressed]
Sussie : Mm. Why Gumball, Darwin, try alter Sussie?
Gumball : [Sighs] Yous know, people aren't always squeamish. The globe can exist harsh.
Darwin : It can exist confusing, heartless, and cruel. It tin plow on anything that is different, that goes against the norm.
Gumball : Yep, and— [Wavers] I don't want to injure your feelings. So, I'll put this in the most delicate way I tin. You know the story of "The Ugly Duckling?"
Sussie : [Excited] It becomes cute!
Gumball : Exactly. But in that story, y'all'd be the mutant bog brute that eats the swan, makes all the children cry, and eventually gets hunted downwards and torched by the townsfolk.
[Sussie is saddened again]
Gumball : W-w-wait, that came out wrong.
Sussie : [Thanks up momentarily] Ah?
Gumball : I meant screeching flesh pile, not mutant bog creature.
Sussie : Mm. Sussie understand.
[Dispirited, she gets upwards, exits the chamber, and closes the door. Gumball and Darwin sigh in sympathy]

Eye of the Beholder

[The door reopens, and Sussie holds out 2 pairs of googly eyes, offer them to the brothers]
Darwin : Uh, I don't retrieve we deserve another present.
Sussie : [Whispers] Just put them on.
Gumball : Why?
Sussie : Then y'all tin can see what Sussie sees.
[Gumball and Darwin shrug, then decide to sense of humor her. When they stick the plastic optics over their own, their mouths deform to match Sussie'southward. All three of them wave their arms in the air, as the fine art style of the entire room and its occupants changes to resemble that of a children's cartoon]
Sussie , Gumball , and Darwin : Aaah!
[Whimsical music starts to play, and they embark on a flying of fancy, singing forth as they travel around town]
Sussie : You retrieve I'm a weirdo, only await out your window. It's my decision to make the world my vision. When I walk downwards the street, everything looks quite sweetness.
Gumball : I think I might pass on eating from this guy'south grass
Darwin : Aren't you scared of the germs? This is how you lot get worms.
Sussie : Anything can be food, if you're in the right mood. 'Cause I am gratis. It's the key, doesn't matter what people call up of me. I pick up things from the ground, keep everything that I found.
Gumball : What will you do with this trash?
Darwin : Information technology's gonna give y'all a rash.
Sussie : I offer it to my friends, and then they tin can see life through my lens.
Sussie , Gumball , and Darwin : La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la.
Sussie : My laugh is not gracious, simply it is contagious. Information technology's of import to share all the joy yous take spare.
Sussie , Gumball , and Darwin : 'Cause I am free. It's the key, doesn't matter what people think of me.
Sussie : So I brush my teeth with goo, I drink my soup from my shoe, I proceed mayo in my pocket, plow a ophidian into a boob, toot to a solo flute. I like to sing in the nude, merely merely at the shopping center, the acoustics are much better. Plant a sausage in the ground, then that a new pig comes around—
Julius : Hey!
[The song ends, returning them to reality; Sussie, Gumball, and Darwin, are in an open up, grassy field. Opposite them, are Julius and his young man delinquents]
Julius : What practice y'all call a chin with two butts?
Darwin : Um... Butty McButt Chin?
Julius : [Off-baby-sit] Wait, I was... I was gonna say names, but it doesn't work if— [Face-palms] Ah, never heed. [To the others] Insult them!
Mowdown : Hey look. Information technology's Tweedledum, Tweedledee, and Tweedlederp!
Rotten Cupcake : You await like the underside of a stingray!
Scythe: If yous losers were a movie, information technology'd exist called "The Ugly, the Ugly, and the Ugly."
Julius : Next time your parents drop you, try to land on your face! Might exist an comeback.
[They laugh mockingly]
Julius : [To Gumball] Give me your wallet.
[Gumball steps forward, reaches into his pocket, and smears some mayo on Julius' glove]
Julius : [Angered] What the?! What is incorrect with you?! Why'd yous do that?!
Sussie , Gumball , and Darwin : [Singing] 'Cause I am free. It's the key, doesn't matter what people recollect of me.
[Their fanciful journey continues, and they wing abroad as Julius'south fuse ignites]
Julius : Ah-AAAH! [His head explodes]
[The episode ends]
five • e TAWOGEPISODESfont.png
TheDVDSeason1.png TheResponsibleSeason1.png TheThirdSeason1.png TheDebtSeason1.png
Episode ane
Episode 2
The Responsible
Episode 3
The Third
Episode 4
The Debt
TheEndSeason1.jpg TheDressSeason1.png TheQuestSeason1.png TheSpoonSeason1.png
Episode 5
The End
Episode 6
The Dress
Episode vii
The Quest
Episode viii
The Spoon
ThePressure Season1.png ThePaintingSeason1.png TheLaziestSeason1.png TheGhostSeason1.png
Episode 9
The Pressure level
Episode 10
The Painting
Episode eleven
The Laziest
Episode 12
The Ghost
TheMysterySeason1.png ThePrankSeason1.png TheGiSeason1.png TheKissSeason1.png
Episode 13
The Mystery
Episode 14
The Prank
Episode 15
The Gi
Episode 16
The Kiss
TheParty Season1.png TheRefundSeason1.png TheRobotSeason1.png ThePicnicSeason1.png
Episode 17
The Party
Episode xviii
The Refund
Episode 19
The Robot
Episode twenty
The Picnic
TheGoonsSeasonOne.png TheSecretSeason1.png TheSockSeason1.png TheGeniusSeasonOne.png
Episode 21
The Goons
Episode 22
The Secret
Episode 23
The Sock
Episode 24
The Genius
ThePoltergeistSeasonOne.png TheMustacheSeason1.png TheDateSeason1.png TheClub28.png
Episode 25
The Poltergeist
Episode 26
The Mustache
Episode 27
The Date
Episode 28
The Club
TheWandSeason1.png TheApeSeason1.png The Car 35.jpg TheCurse season1.png
Episode 29
The Wand
Episode xxx
The Ape
Episode 31
The Car
Episode 32
The Curse
TheMicrowaveSeason1nav.png TheMeddlerSeason1.png Helmet.png TheFightSeason1.png
Episode 33
The Microwave
Episode 34
The Meddler
Episode 35
The Helmet
Episode 36
The Fight
TheRemoteSeason2.png Colossus Giant.png TheKnightsSeason2.png TheFridgeSeason2.png
Episode 1
The Remote
Episode 2
The Colossus
Episode 3
The Knights
Episode four
The Fridge
Flower Kill.png Banana Banana Banana.png Phone Dead.png

Job Clay.png

Episode 5
The Flower
Episode half-dozen
The Banana
Episode 7
The Phone
Episode 8
The Job
Halloween Ghosts.png Treasure Family.png TheApologySeason2.png Words Song.png
Episode 9
Episode ten
The Treasure
Episode eleven
The Apology
Episode 12
The Words


TheBetSeason2.png ChristmasSeason2.png TheWatchNavbox.png
Episode 13
The Skull
Episode fourteen
The Bet
Episode 15
Episode 16
The Lookout

Bumpkin Morbid.png

Flakers Rex.png TheAuthoritySeason2.png TheVirusNavbox.png
Episode 17
The Bumpkin
Episode eighteen
The Flakers
Episode 19
The Authority
Episode 20
The Virus
Pony DVD.png TheHeroSeason2.png Dreamthe3.png TheSidekickSeason2.png
Episode 21
The Pony
Episode 22
The Hero
Episode 23
The Dream
Episode 24
The Sidekick


Storm Storm.png


Episode 25
The Photograph
Episode 26
The Tag
Episode 27
The Tempest
Episode 28
The Lesson



Voice TFW.png

Episode 29
The Game
Episode thirty
The Limit
Episode 31
The Vocalism
Episode 32
The Hope
Castlenavboxpic.png Boomboxnavpic.png Tapeleaker4.png Sweaters Ending.png
Episode 33
The Castle
Episode 34
The Boombox
Episode 35
The Tape
Episode 36
The Sweaters
Internet Loser.png ThePlanSeasonTwo.png TheWorldSeason2.png TheFinaleSeason2.png
Episode 37
The Internet
Episode 38
The Plan
Episode 39
The World
Episode 40
The Finale
TheKidsSeason3.png TAAGDSpage1.png CoachisAWOMAN.png The joy revealed.png
Episode one
The Kids
Episode 2
The Fan
Episode iii
The Coach
Episode 4
The Joy
ThePuppySeason3.png TheRecipeSP4.png Tnam15.png TheExtrasSeason3.png
Episode 5
The Puppy
Episode vi
The Recipe
Episode 7
The Name
Episode 8
The Extras
Gumball-43a still the gripes.png TheVacationSeason3.png Fraud clip10.png TheVoidSeason3.png
Episode 9
The Gripes
Episode 10
The Vacation
Episode 11
The Fraud
Episode 12
The Void
TheBossSeason3.png TheMoveSeason3.png TheLawSeason3.png Allergyithink5.png
Episode 13
The Dominate
Episode xiv
The Move
Episode xv
The Law
Episode 16
The Allergy
MomOff.png Password9.png The Procrastinators.png Shl95.png
Episode 17
The Mothers
Episode xviii
The Password
Episode nineteen
The Procrastinators
Episode 20
The Shell
TheBurdenSeason3.png TheBros Season3.png 338641-1.jpg Jojolouiekissman.png
Episode 21
The Brunt
Episode 22
The Bros
Episode 23
The Mirror
Episode 24
The Human being
Pizza47.png 10689826 805999752795722 6999706731139709699 n.png Butterfly18.png The question.png
Episode 25
The Pizza
Episode 26
The Lie
Episode 27
The Butterfly
Episode 28
The Question
The Saint 75.png TheFriendSeason3.png TheOracleSeason3.png Gumball Season 3 Episode 53B Still.jpg
Episode 29
The Saint
Episode 30
The Friend
Episode 31
The Oracle
Episode 32
The Safety
TheSocietySeason3.png SpoilerTheater .png Countdown75.png TNobody.png
Episode 33
The Society
Episode 34
The Spoiler
Episode 35
The Countdown
Episode 36
The Nobody
Gumball Season 3 Episode 57A Still.jpg Gumball Season 3 Episode 57B Still.jpg Gumball Season 3 Episode 58A Still.jpg GB340MONEY69.png
Episode 37
The Downer
Episode 38
The Egg
Episode 39
The Triangle
Episode 40
The Money
TheReturnSeason4.png TheNemesisSeason4.png TheCrewSeason4.png TheOthersSeason4.png
Episode 1
The Return
Episode ii
The Nemesis
Episode three
The Coiffure
Episode 4
The Others
TheSignatureSeasonFour.png TheCheckSeason4.png Pest Billnis.png TheSaleSeason4.png
Episode 5
The Signature
Episode 6
The Check
Episode 7
The Pest
Episode 8
The Auction
Gift Cram.png TheParkingSeason4.png Routine Rex.png TheUpgradeSeason4.png
Episode ix
The Gift
Episode x
The Parking
Episode 11
The Routine
Episode 12
The Upgrade
Comic Comic.png Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson on The Romantic 17.png Uploads Sussie.png Apprentiance me.png
Episode 13
The Comic
Episode 14
The Romantic
Episode xv
The Uploads
Episode sixteen
The Apprentice
Hug Spooked.png TheWickedSeason4.jpg TheTraitorSeason4.png TheOriginsPreview200033.png
Episode 17
The Hug
Episode 18
The Wicked
Episode 19
The Traitor
Episode 20
The Origins
TheOriginsPreview3-00011.png Girfriend Scary.png Advice Redacted.png Signal Signal.png
Episode 21
The Origins: Part Two
Episode 22
The Girlfriend
Episode 23
The Advice
Episode 24
The Signal
TheParasiteSeasonFour.png TheLoveSeason4.png TheAwkwardnessSeason4.png TheNestSeason4.png
Episode 25
The Parasite
Episode 26
The Love
Episode 27
The Awkwardness
Episode 28
The Nest
ThePointsSeason4.png TheBusSeason4.png TheNight 12.png TheMisunderstanding Gumball&Penny BurgerRestaurant.png
Episode 29
The Points
Episode 30
The Motorcoach
Episode 31
The Night
Episode 32
The Misunderstandings
Roots Sad.png Blame Why.png Weirdgumball6.png S4E36 The Detective 19.png
Episode 33
The Roots
Episode 34
The Blame
Episode 35
The Slap
Episode 36
The Detective
TheFurySeason4.png Happy Elmore Town.jpg Anime Darwin and Carrie.jpg TheDisasterSeasonFour.png
Episode 37
The Fury
Episode 38
The Compilation
Episode 39
The Scam
Episode 40
The Disaster
Rerun Fight.png StoriesSeason5.png TheGuy 6.png LesBoring.png
Episode 1
The Rerun
Episode ii
The Stories
Episode three
The Guy
Episode 4
The Colorlessness
VisionSeason5.png Clouding.png CodePromo3.png Test Grope.png
Episode 5
The Vision
Episode 6
The Choices
Episode 7
The Code
Episode 8
The Test
NowWeAreTalking.png S5E10 The Loophole p03.png Fuss Sweet.png CopyCatsSeason5.png
Episode 9
The Slide
Episode x
The Loophole
Episode 11
The Fuss
Episode 12
The Copycats
PotatoSeason5.png OutsideSeason5.png VaseSeason5.png Matchmaker Cute.png
Episode 13
The Murphy
Episode fourteen
The Outside
Episode 15
The Vase
Episode 16
The Matchmaker
BoxSeason5.png Console Victory.png OllieSeason5.png CatfishSeason5.png
Episode 17
The Box
Episode xviii
The Console
Episode xix
The Ollie
Episode 20
The Catfish
CycleSeason5.png StarsSeason5.png Birth of Simian.png DietSeason5.png
Episode 21
The Cycle
Episode 22
The Stars
Episode 23
The Grades
Episode 24
The Diet
Ex 09.png SorcererSeason5.png Menu KeemstarLife.png Uncle IsGumchoOver.png
Episode 25
The Ex
Episode 26
The Wizard
Episode 27
The Menu
Episode 28
The Uncle
Weirdo Crayon.png Heist Nicole.png TheSinging50.png CHECKYOURPRIVILEGE.png
Episode 29
The Weirdo
Episode 30
The Heist
Episode 31
The Singing
Episode 32
The Best
TheWorst.png TheDeal.png ThePetals.png TheNuisance.png
Episode 33
The Worst
Episode 34
The Deal
Episode 35
The Petals
Episode 36
The Nuisance
TheLine.png ListDolphin.png GumballNews.png ThePuppets.png
Episode 37
The Line
Episode 38
The List
Episode 39
The News
Episode 40
The Puppets
The Rival 1 (52).png Lady Laugh.png The Sucker (28).png Meltysons.png
Episode i
The Rival
Episode 2
The Lady
Episode iii
The Sucker
Episode 4
The Vegging
One Lightning.png The Father (121).png Cringe Awkwardness.png The Cage (11).png
Episode 5
The One
Episode half-dozen
The Father
Episode 7
The Blench
Episode 8
The Cage
TheNeighbor GumballDarwin&ThisGuy.png TwoGamboliesOneTheater.png The Faith (100).png Candidate Leak8.jpg
Episode 9
The Neighbor
Episode 10
The Anybody
Episode xi
The Faith
Episode 12
The Candidate
Bedball.png Shippening67.png The Brain (1).png TheArents.png
Episode 13
The Pact
Episode 14
The Shippening
Episode 15
The Encephalon
Episode xvi
The Parents
GBFounder.png GBSchooling.png TheIntelligence InternetDies.png GBPotion.png
Episode 17
The Founder
Episode xviii
The Schooling
Episode 19
The Intelligence
Episode xx
The Potion
GBSpinoffs.png GBTransformation.png GBUnderstanding.png GBAd.png
Episode 21
The Spinoffs
Episode 22
The Transformation
Episode 23
The Understanding
Episode 24
The Ad
GBGhouls.png Gossamer.png GBAwareness.png TheSlip RichardAndDeliveryGuy.png
Episode 25
The Ghouls
Episode 26
The Stink
Episode 27
The Awareness
Episode 28
The Slip
DramaFone.png TheBuddy Uhhhh.png ThePossesion SadRichard.png TheMaster GameMasterRichard.jpg
Episode 29
The Drama
Episode thirty
The Buddy
Episode 31
The Possession
Episode 32
The Chief
TheSilence TryingToTalk.png TheFuture RobChokingBarbara.jpg TWish.png GBFactory.png
Episode 33
The Silence
Episode 34
The Future
Episode 35
The Wish
Episode 36
The Manufacturing plant
The Agent.png GBWeb.png GBMess.png Frown Upside doun.jpg
Episode 37
The Agent
Episode 38
The Web
Episode 39
The Mess
Episode 40
The Middle
GBRevolt.png TheDecisions44.png BFFS Stars.png GBInquisition.jpg
Episode 41
The Revolt
Episode 42
The Decisions
Episode 43
The BFFs
Episode 44
The Inquisition

What Episode Of Gumball Is Sussies Makeup Tips,


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